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Freddy Portable Sump Cleaners

Simple, Economical and Effective

All Freddy sump cleaners are designed to easily separate solids/contaminants from industrial coolants. Our systems are compact and easy to handle, yet powerful. Used in spill control, fluid filtration and coolant recycling, Freddy portable systems will minimize machine tool downtime, while reducing production and disposal costs.

Freddy Ecovac - Industry Leading Technology

The Freddy Ecovac can operate a simultaneous cycle of fluid suction, filtration and discharge. Solids are collected in a removable lined basket for easy disposal or recycling. Since fluid can be returned to the sump at the same time it is being filtered, the Ecovac can process tank volumes much large than the Ecovac itself. This is a feature unique to the Freddy Ecovac.

Freddy Mark TOS – Tramp Oil Separator

The Freddy TOS removes surface tramp oil build-up in machine tool sumps. Tramp oil can cause a variety of problems both to the finished product and the operator. The Freddy TOS is compact and easy to move, so it can be used throughout the factory floor. Since it runs continuously, it will not interfere with production. Separated tramp oil flows by gravity into a container, allowing cleaned/filtered coolant to be returned to the sump.

Freddy Mark V

The Freddy Mark V is the largest of our off-the-shelf coolant recycling system. Our flagship design, the Mark V has been relied upon in factories around the world since the early 1960’s. Robust, powerful and proven, the Freddy Mark V offers a complete solution to your coolant recycling needs in a portable package.

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23 Walpole Park South
Walpole, MA 02081
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