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Sanborn Products

Turbo Centrifuges

Turbo Centrifuges are the highest quality vertical basket centrifuges on the marketplace today and are engineered designed and crafted with the precision of a Swiss Watch.

LiquaPac HS

The American made LiquaPac HS centrifuge is designed for separating fine granular solids from aqueous or oil-based fluids. Our modular design allows for stand-alone, tank-mounted and multiple centrifuge configurations.

High-Speed Disc Centrifuges

Sanborn Technologies has been a world leader in the application of centrifuge technology for coolant recycling for over 40 years. These centrifuges are the most efficient devices available for removal of fine solids and emulsified tramp oil in machining fluids.

Noxon Decanters

For high solids loading we offer the Noxon decanter centrifuge. Models range from a few gallons per minute up to 200gpm, all designed to discharge solids on a continuous basis. 

Membrane Filtration Systems

Our membrane systems are available in ultrafiltration and nanofiltration configurations with a range of process capacities from 50 GPD to 20,000 GPD. We offer fixed and mobile system designs for recycling and disposal of oily wastewater and sub-micron particulate.

Portable Sump Cleaners

Our line of Freddy Products offers low-cost solutions to your sump problems. These systems are simple to operate, with unique features such as simultaneous suction and return pumping.

ChipPac Chip Wringers

Our ChipPac chip wringers are the perfect solution for coolant/oil removal from large volumes of chips and cuttings.

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FAX: 508.660.9151

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Sanborn Technologies
23 Walpole Park South
Walpole, MA 02081
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