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Strainers & Baskets

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Our single and dual basket strainers incorporate WEDGE-FLOW wedegewire baskets for ease of cleaning, strength and long life. Our strainers are fabricated to your requirements by A.S.M.E. certified welders. Reverse flow, backwash, gauges, drain connections and sight glasses can all be economically incorporated. Retention, fluid viscosity, specific gravity, corrosion rate, and pressure drop are all important factors in the design of LEEM Filtration trap strainers.

WEDGE-FLOW baskets are supplied as standard, assuring retention integrity and ease of maintenance. Baskets can be designed to withstand full line pressure in either flow direction.Our "Resin" trap strainers conform to standard industrial dimensions and are used throughout the water and process treatment industries.

We will design and manufacture custom strainers and baskets, just let us know your requirements.

To receive cad drawings, quotes or additional product information please contact us.


  • Item Item Name Size A B C D
    S0100 Standard Strainers 1″ 7 1/2″ 6 3/8″ 3 1/8″ 3/4″
    S0125 Standard Strainers 1 1/4″ 10 1/2″ 10 1/4″ 3 5/8″ 3/4″
    S0150 Standard Strainers 1 1/2″ 10 1/2″ 10 1/4″ 3 5/8″ 3/4″
    S0200 Standard Strainers 2″ 10 1/2″ 10 1/4″ 3 5/8″ 3/4″
    S0250 Standard Strainers 2 1/2″ 14 1/2″ 13 7/8″ 4 1/2″ 1″
    S0300 Standard Strainers 3″ 14 1/2″ 13 7/8″ 4 1/2″ 1″
    S0400 Standard Strainers 4″ 18 1/8″ 18 1/2″ 8 1/4″ 1 1/2″
    S0600 Standard Strainers 6″ 22 5/8″ 19 1/4″ 10 5/8″ 2″
    S0800 Standard Strainers 8″ 32 5/8″ 28″ 12 1/2″ 2″
    S1000 Standard Strainers 10″ 32 5/8″ 31 1/2″ 15 1/2″ 2″
    S1200 Standard Strainers 12″ 33 1/2″ 43 7/8″ 10 3/4″ 2″
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23 Walpole Park South
Walpole, MA 02081
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